Our culture has taught us that creativity is best left to the professionals.
Only "real painters" should paint. Only"real dancers" should dance. Only "real writers" should be publishing. And it's only "real art" if you're getting paid.
Creativity is your birthright and mine. We can choose to embrace our creativity —and become a more authentic version of ourselves in the process.
The Doubt Monster in your head is probably already chiming in.
"You're no artist."
"[Your creative dream] is a waste of time, and you'll never amount to anything."
The hardest part to any creative project is sitting down to actually do it. The first step is the worst.
Maybe it feels like it's too late to start. Maybe you were told in sixth grade that you couldn't sing, so don't even try. Maybe you've thought about recording an album or writing a book for years, but it feels too daunting.
And we’ve moved through the doubt to do our Work, the creative projects that will not get done unless we do them.
Hi, we're Tony and Christie, co-founders of The Rowdy Creative.
Five years ago, we were wandering nomads and wannabe writers with zero books under our belts.
We wanted a creative community to hold us accountable and keep us company.
It didn't exist. So we made it.
Fast forward to today, and we've collectively written five manuscripts, started a podcast, launched two businesses and hosted more than 25 creative sprints with more than 50 creatives.
We know what works for strengthening creative muscles — and how to help you strengthen yours.
The Rowdy Creative is a virtual neighborhood for humans who want to make good stuff and feel good online. It's designed for aspiring painters, writers, musicians, entrepreneurs, dancers, bakers and candlestick makers.
We don't give a crap what you're making.
We only care that you're making it.
The Rowdy will help you:
It seriously has been a godsend to be a part of a group of creatives again. I haven't had this since high school. Being able to check in and share progress as well as final products and to hear what other people are doing has helped me feel less alone.
Talking with people my age who are interested in similar things and who are also working towards creative goals has helped so much.Jen — artist, poet and musician
Humans need a deadline and sense of urgency to get stuff done. It's science. Our Creative Sprints do just that. In these 3-week virtual cohorts, each creative picks a project and a deliverable. We meet for a couple Zoom conversations and have daily accountability touchpoints. You will get more work done in 3 weeks than you did in the last 3 months combined.
We've learned that investing in self-care feeds creativity and vice versa. Wellness Strolls are the gentler flip side to Sprints, designed to provide gentle accountability for building habits that make you healthier, saner and happier. Each member focuses on developing a wellness practice of choice, whether it be yoga, meditation, walking, eating healthier, sleeping more, journaling or flossing.
Our events calendar has a lot going on, and any member has the freedom to create an event to offer the community. It's because we like each other, and we like hanging out. We've got dance parties, writing workshops, open mic nights, game nights, yoga and so on.
We interact on a members-only platform that has been described by one member as "rehab for social media." You'll find energetic conversations ranging from creative projects to books we're reading to what's inspiring us today — or whatever else you feel like chatting about.
From what we've seen, if you show up and put one foot in front of the other, you will 1) produce more creative work, 2) feel better, and 3) feel more connected.
Every new member gets a 30-minute call with one of our founders to help us understand where you're coming from creatively and help you jumpstart your creative flow.
I may have gotten it done regardless, but it’s been so much more enjoyable to have a regular community of artists/writers to help me reflect/process resistance. And it’s made me feel more connected in a time of social distancing!
Erin — writer, professor
So what happens if you don't join The Rowdy now?
Well, nothing.
Your book will go unwritten.
Your painting stay unpainted.
Your business remains just an idea.
And our community is deprived of your wonderful you-ness.
But hey, we'll be here when you're ready for us.
Here's the truth. There's creative work inside you that's dying to come out. If you don't do it, the world will be deprived of your contribution.
We can't have that, can we?
We want to help you bring your creative work to life, and we want you in our community of lovely weirdos. We can't wait to see what you come up with.
Join us.
The Rowdy